
Ecosort AI Project Documentation

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Project Overview

Ecosort AI is a project that utilizes a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model to classify images into twelve distinct waste material categories. These categories encompass:

The project’s primary objective is to streamline and enhance the waste sorting process through automation.


The core of Ecosort AI lies in a CNN model adept at image classification. This model undergoes training using a dataset of labeled images, each corresponding to a specific waste category among the twelve. The dataset is meticulously divided into training and test sets.

The project incorporates the following steps:

  1. Image Loading and Batching: Images are retrieved from designated directories and transformed into batches for efficient processing. This step also involves rescaling the images by a factor of 1/255 to normalize pixel values.
  2. Data Augmentation: An augmented data generator is implemented to introduce variations within the training data. This strategy enhances the model’s ability to generalize effectively to unseen data. The generator introduces random transformations, including rotation, width/height shifts, zoom, and horizontal flips.


The CNN model underwent training for 35 epochs. The training process entails feeding the model with training data and fine-tuning its parameters to minimize loss.

Evaluation Metrics:

The following metrics were obtained during the validation process:

Tech Stack

Future Considerations

We recommend referring to the Ecosort AI Project Documentation (this file) for further details and insights into the project.